Tuesday, December 27

Mall Mayhem

Have you seen the malls lately? What is with people? Do we really need more stuff just because it's cheap? Do the crowds and mob mentality seem even worse this year to anyone? I had to drive by two malls on my way from LA to San Diego yesterday, and the traffic exiting for each mall was backed up for miles. Luckily, it was mostly contained to the right two lanes and didn't slow me down much. Today I went with a co-worker to the downtown mall in San Diego. She wanted to snag some post-Christmas decorations on sale, and since not much is going on here at the office, I went with her. The place was a mob scene. The parking garage was a like demolition derby with cars going every direction possible. Yes, I have participated in the after-Christmas sales before but in previous years, it didn't feel like a dangerous situation. In the short 30 minutes we were at the mall, I was hit by a stroller, whacked in the shins by shopping bags, and almost hit by an oblivion (click here for more about Oblivions or to find out if you are one. The holiday season is prime time for Oblivions. I think it's their mating season, too.) driver who whipped around a corner too fast. I think something about 50% off drives people into a frenzy akin to sharks smelling blood in the water. Dangle that little red sale tag in front of people and they'll eat up anything not nailed down. The two stores we went in were trashed. While my co-worker was after Christmas decorations she saw before the holiday but couldn't buy them because she had too many other expenses, is one of the post-Christmas sale mongers, she's not a crazy person and wasn't there to buy just anything on sale. I'm all for a good sale and will go to them just like everyone else hoping to get a good deal, but there should still be civility. When did going crazy factor in? It's really pretty gross to watch people buy, buy, buy crap they probably don't need. I think next week will bring some wide-spread buyer's remorse.

I did get some gift cards for Christmas that I can't wait to use, but I think I'll stay away until the new inventory comes in. My life is not worth a $30 cashmere sweater. Although, that's a really good price. For cashmere.

Wednesday, December 14

Exciting narwhal discovery!

I haven't written anything here in ages, but I felt so compelled to let you all know about the recent discovery made about the narwhal tusk. Aren't you excited????? Scientists discovered that the tusk (a large protruding spiraling tooth) has nerves that run from the core all the way to the surface. This is feature is unique to narwhals and allows them to use their tusk to "feel" the water and their environment. Since narwhals live in freezing Arctic water, they can probably feel the cold water. "Imagine the ice cream headache that narwhals must live with ALL THE TIME," as the author who e-mailed me this article wrote.

Enjoy the article and increasing your knowledge about the mysterious narwhal. What other narwhal secrets will be found out in the next century?

In other news, in case you thought I fell off the planet because I've been a lame-o and haven't updated this dang thing in months, I'm still here. I was in Pittsburgh for a conference just before Thanksgiving. It was an English teacher conference. I got to meet and/or hang out with authors such as Yann Martel (The Life of Pi), Robert MacNeil (formerly of the MacNeil/Leher News Hour on PBS), M. T. Anderson (YA author extraordinaire), Andy Auseon (super-talented debut YA author), Lynne Cox (Swimming to Antarctica), Nina Crews (amazing illustrator), Brian Collier (one of my favorite illustrators), Kathi Appelt (a popular Aggie author), and Han Nolan (award-winning YA author). I also heard Laurie Halse Anderson, Paul Fleischman, Chris Lynch, and Nancy Garden speak during the post-conference YA workshop I attended as a publisher observer and author escort. Yes, I'm name dropping, but it's the best part of my job and I like it. There were plenty of other fantastic authors there that I ran into or listened to, but it was weeks ago and now I can't remember. Duh.

After getting back from Pittsburgh (where it was 17 degrees one night!), I worked like mad to get ready for taking time off for Christmas. I am officially on vacation now and I won't be going back until the 27th. Woo-hoo! Mom, Dad, and I are headed to Atlanta to visit David & Allison at their pad. We'll celebrate early and then the three of us will fly back and be in LA for the 25th.

And that's what I've been up to the past couple months. Let me know that you're still alive and functioning, too. Have a Merry Christmas (or other seasonal holiday of your choice), Happy New Year, and look forward to more narwhal facts!