Sorry I've been quiet on this blog. I've been pretty active on the new one, as it seems there is always something food-related to talk about.
Can we talk about the Oscars for a sec? I've been completely out of it when it comes to movies this year, but I actually somewhat enjoyed the awards telecast. I thought Hugh Jackman did a really nice job as the host, even though he did very little hosting, and the stage looked gorgeous. I loved the crystal proscenium curtain. I also liked the orchestra onstage. I thought the ode to musical number was fun but completely gratuitous. I did like the toasts for the supporting and lead nominees by past winners. I liked the variety of people they had doing those. I also thought they were presented well and seemed sincere. They really served to remind the nominees and audience that even if someone doesn't win, all the nominees did something extraordinary to get there.
Here is Hugh Jackman's opening number in case you missed it. He is gamely assisted by the lovely Anne Hathaway.
Likes & Dislikes from the Oscars:
I hated the media fueled "tension" between Jen and Bradgelina. C'mon, give it a break.
I loved Meryl Street sitting there looking like the grande dame of American film that she is. She's really a classy and beautiful person.
I also liked the casual nature and excitement from all the Slumdog people and kids. I didn't like the "In Memoriam" clip reel. I thought there was too much too look at and it seemed hard to figure out who the person was when the shot panned back to show Queen Latifah signing. Didn't everyone know it would end with Paul Newman?
I didn't like Sean Penn and muted his acceptance speech. I would have gladly listened to Mickey Rourke's.
I hated Kate Winslet's hair.
I liked that Heath Ledger's family was there and gave warm, strong, loving speeches. That couldn't have been easy for them.
I didn't like the cut away shots of celebrities with the required sad, pity-filled, teary eyed expressions while the Ledgers were accepting the award.
I loved Tina Fey & Steve Martin's bit but was confused by Ben Stiller's riff on Joaquin Phoenix.
Lastly, I thought the beginning of Kate Winslet's speech sounded rehearsed, but I loved her spontaneous call out to her dad and his responding whistle that could be heard out on Highland and Hollywood Blvd.
Did I miss anything?
Our Newest Member of the Family, Gracie!
14 years ago