Wednesday, September 28

Cable Guy

After two years, I have finally signed up to get "official, legal" cable. I ordered digital with DVR service and HBO on demand. Nothing too loaded, but more than what I have now. Which is ABC, fuzzy Fox, and snowy CBS. I had cable, ahem, but it's been out for two days. I think the cable company finally caught up with me. So I ordered official service.

So why does UPS deliver during the day when most normal people working normal hours are never at home? That might seem like a random question not related at all to my cable story. Let me explain.

I ordered the "Fast Connect" option instead of missing work and waiting for the cable guy. If my address is deemed "Fast Connect" compatible, which mine is, I can hook up my own cable. The cable company send me the DVR, hook ups, cable, etc and directions. Only no where did the ordering form say it would be delivered via UPS. I came home today to one of those UPS post-its saying they tried to deliver today and will try again tomorrow between 2-5PM. I also think UPS is so smart to try to deliver the same time that no one was home. Why not pick a different time? So I called and asked if it could be redirected to my office. Nope. I have to be the actual person receiving it. Can it be delivered after 5PM, which is one of the check box options on the post-it. Nope. I have to drive out to Chula Vista (14.3 miles one way) to pick it up between 8AM-6PM. Great. This cable thing better be easy to hook up myself. I can't miss CSI tomorrow night.

So all this is really boring to read about. Sorry. Here's the end of the story:

After I figured out where in Chula Vista I have to go tomorrow (decided to go at lunch), I turned on the tv and the cable is working.

Since this was so boring, here's something fun: crooning child
Make sure your speakers are on.


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