Thursday, October 6

28 teeth in the head

I'm already short four teeth (braces. needed more space). I'll be down another four by the end of the week. It's long overdue, but the wicked wisdom teeth are getting ripped out of my head tomorrow afternoon. I know most of you lucky people have already gone through this most pleasant rite-of-passage event. And I know most of you have had easy recoveries. Yeah. Hope that holds true and I'm not that one in twenty who will experience dry socket (or whatever the stat is), 'cause I've known enough people have breezed through this, so I'm on schedule to be the anomaly. Hopefully not. I'm planning on going to work on Monday, so I'm trying to think optimistically.

All the preparations have been made. My fridge is stocked with soft, gaping-hole-in-the-gums friendly food: pudding, apple sauce, yogurt, Slim Fast. The prescriptions filled. Gauze and ice bag purchased. Ice trays filled. Netflix cue resorted for chick-flicks. The Mom is on the way in the morning.

So adios until I come out of my drugged stupor and feel like typing out a few lines.

Take one down, pass it around, 24 teeth in the head.

P.S. For any of you reading this who know Tom from A&M, he and Holly are pregnant. The baby is due at the end of April.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, on Tom & Holly, keep me posted on details... Hope you get a speedy recovery... and enjoy the trip....