Sunday, October 9

I want a pizza!

My wisdom teeth came out without much trouble Thursday afternoon. I was knocked out completely, so I didn't feel/see/smell/hear anything. Night one wasn't too bad. I did wake up at 5AM with drool going down my arm. Ew. I was only taking OTC doses of Advil since I wasn't in a lot of pain at all. Day two was easy, too, and I ate quite a bit. Day three my jaws really hurt. I worked them too much the day before and passed most of the day asleep or woozy from Vicodin. Today is day four and I'm again feeling much better and almost completely pain free. I am going to go to work tomorrow but I don't know if I'll make it through the entire day.

I had a nice day eating soft food and watching that marathon Astros game. Hope all of you had a nice day, too.


Dave said...

Go 'Stros! Down with the evil Cardinals! It sucked being in Atlanta for that game. Allison and I went to the airshow in Peachtree City and they kept giving updates over the PA. :-) The people would cheer when the Braves were winning and I'd be like, Grrrrr under my breathe.

Dave said...

breathe? arrrrrrgh!