Friday, January 6

"Have you seen the weatha?"

After a New Year's weekend with rain, wind, and chill, it is now 80 degrees here. Ahhh.

Even though the weekend had horrible weather, did you see those people out for the Rose Parade acting like it wasn't miserable? I watched the parade on tv and I was amazed by how many people braved the conditions and sat through it. But what's even more amazing is the people who had to be in the parade. Those high school kids who were probably so excited to have been included in the parade and then spent who knows how long raising money for the trip, hours of practicing, had to slog through rain and wind in usually rainless Southern California. Stupid storms.

So hats off to the parade marchers and float riders, and to the crowd who stayed with them to keep them going. I know two people who went to watch the parade. Both said it was impressive that the floats held up so well and that the marchers almost always had smiles on their faces. One of them said she was soaked to the skin but her contingent kept yelling encouragement to the marchers and they would get waves and smiles in return.

I did watch the game Wednesday. I cheered wholeheartedly for Texas to beat USC. Gasp! I'm glad they won. Of course, I was wearing my A&M slippers the whole time.

I am soon off to San Antonio. It's another work trip, but I'm going a few days early to visit my aunt and go to a Spurs game.

Later chillins.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Perhaps not weather whimps after all....

Hook 'em Horns!