Saturday, May 20

Continuing Life

Things here in San Diego have been gloomy. Usually the grey, constant marine layer doesn't happen until June - "June Gloom." But today is a gorgeous, clear blue sky day. Warm, too. I have the windows open, the music on, and laundry going. Tomorrow I'm going out to the Wild Animal Park with a friend from work. I've only been to the park once, with Susan about a year ago. Mom and Dad visited SD while I was in Chicago, and went to the park. They loved it. It is really fantastic and I like it better than the zoo even though the zoo is pretty cool, too. It is the San Diego Zoo after all. Not too shabby.

I'm also going to drive around and look at neighborhoods and houses. Mom and Dad totally surprised me by recently urging me to buy a place instead of continuing to rent. So I'm looking into things. I'm a little daunted by owning something as big as a house, but gotta take that plunge sometime. The state actually has several assistance programs for first time home owners and my salary is still low enough that I qualify for all of them. So that's something on my mind. My lease is up July 1, but I know that letter to renew will be arriving sometime very soon. Not sure what I'll do yet.

What else is new? Hmm. Not much. Susan sent me a huge book called ANIMAL published by DK for the Smithsonian Institute. It has sections for each animal class (Mammals, fishes, amphibians, etc.) and is chock full of photos and information. I've been looking at a section a night. Thanks for the b-day present Susan!

Summer movies are here but I haven't seen a one yet. Kayaking in Vegas next weekend. Robert Earl Keen is here on the Wednesday after Memorial Day. Looking forward to that, too. More later peeps.

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