Thursday, December 4

Post-Turkey Coma

Hope everyone had a nice and food-filled holiday. We did. My friend Reka can cook up a mean bird. She had a whole chicken and a turkey breast. There were only five of us having dinner together and an entire turkey seemed a little much. I completely ruined the stuffing but Reka was able to whip up a batch with a moment's notice. I've made the stuffing before to good results but this year I completely messed it up and wound up with a big ball of mushy goo. My mashed potatoes turned out beautifully creamy and smooth, so at least I didn't screw that up. And my cookies were a hit. It was a very nice evening.

I've been working at my new job all this week. But it's a little anti-climatic because I'm working from home. I was in on Monday to meet with my new boss, and we will continue to meet every Monday afternoon, but until there is space in the office for me, I'm sorta stuck working from home. Logistics are going to take a little time to work out. I also need to go talk to an accountant and figure out what the best way to go as far as tax deductions and how to pay freelancer quarterly taxes. I will have to pay estimated taxes by mid-January for the money I get paid this month. Ug. But at least I found a job. Things are rotten in the state of publishing. Yesterday was a black Wednesday across many companies - Random House, S&S, Thomas Nelson, and good 'ol Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - had lay offs. Big ones. News on the fall-out is still coming in so I don't know who was let go from HMH yet.

Not all news was bleak yesterday. Steve came home with some good news. I can be included on his insurance through work. That's a relief. We'll get me enrolled before the end of the year.

What else? Oh, Amy and new husband Gareth came up from Baltimore over the weekend. They were only here a short time but since I missed their wedding, it was very nice to see them. We walked the promenade and after standing in line outside in the cold for about 45 minutes, we sunk our teeth into pizza perfection at Grimaldi's. Steve and I love that place and it's a great place to take visitors. It's very Brooklyn not to mention it has arguably the best pizza in the city. It's sort of an In-N-Out of pizza. Just like In-N-Out has basic burgers and fries, Grimaldi's menu has pizza. That's pretty much it. You can get a calzone but why? No salads, no appetizers. Just pizza and soda and beer and wine (red or white, nothing fancy). I'm fine with the simple, concentrated menu. Who would want anything else there anyway? Their take out is always busy and pies (and leftovers) are put on a cardboard round and wrapped in white butcher paper bags. Old school. No pizza boxes here. The walls are adorned with pictures of the Rat Pack (we seemed to be sitting under the Frank Sinatra shrine), famous New Yorkers and Italians, and 9/11 memorial images. It's very crowded and even though the red and white checked tables are separated, it feels like eating family style with your neighbors. The music will range from 80s pop hits to Rat Pack to Italian opera. Very colorful place that attracts all kinds. Just like In-N-Out. The other thing that makes Grimaldi's special is it's location. It's under the Brooklyn Bridge. When the moon hits your eye, like a-big pizza pie . . . They guy working the line teased Steve about not letting him in. Steve was wearing his Red Sox hat. When we left the guy said in his Brooklyn accent, you can come back but don't wear that hat.

This weekend, we are going to get a Christmas tree. It seems a little early but we were so late getting pumpkins for Halloween that we don't want to repeat the mistake with the tree. We are also going to help a friend pack up salvageable items in her apartment. Her building had a fire about two weeks ago and her apartment sustained quite a bit of damage. Her kitchen is completely destroyed. But she and everyone in the building got out okay. We are also going to try to get to a museum. This weekend, and every first weekend in the month, Bank of America members can get into participating museums for free. Steve is with BofA so we can save $ on one admission. The natural history museum and the Met are participating so we'll go to one of those probably on Sunday.

Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Now I know where we're going when we come visit. I need to get a Socks hat first though...