Sunday, November 12

Finally, proof of Greenland

Howdy folks. In case you've given up on this blog getting updated, I disappoint you by posting some pictures from my vacation. Since blogger only lets me post a few pics at a time, I'll spread these out in several posts. I'll cover Scotland in this post. Grab your passports, let's get started.

Day 1. Me at Edinburgh Castle's port cullis before the rain started. We actually had pretty good weather the entire vacation. We only had rain in Edinburgh, a little at sea, and in NY. Those cobblestones I'm standing on are original and date back to Robert the Bruce's day, which I think was about the 12th century.

Day 2. This is the ruins of Castle Urquardt (sp?) on Loch Ness. You can't see us, but Mom and I are at the top of the tower. It was very windy.

The castle, Loch Ness, et moi. Can you believe some guy blew up the castle on purpose just so no one else could steal it from him?

Day 2, continued. My Scottish friends. These are the native Highland cows. Obviously, I dig their hairdos.

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