Sunday, November 12

Proof of Greenland, Part 5

More from Prince Christians Sound and Nuuk.

Crazy dad in the jacuzzi. Mom and I didn't let him stay in too long because he was turning bright lobster red.

The weather had turned by the time we were coming out of the pass back into the Atlantic. It was extremely windy and even my stocking cap was in danger of being plucked from my head. It also suddenly sleeted - or very small hail - when we were on deck during this photo. We exited the pass around noon and continued up the west coast of Greenland to Nuuk, where we woke up the next morning.

Nuuk, Greenland. Capital city. Population approx. 20,000. I think boats outnumberd cars in this town. We were dropped off on the other side of town than the ship in the "old town" part. It was a very walkable, small place, so we also ventured into the new part where the shopping centers were. More on that with another picture. Mom and I are the two figures to the right of the flagpole.

Mom and I looking out at the other harbor of Nuuk. The old town is behind us. Most of the buildings in Nuuk were very brightly painted. Almost everything was very well maintained, too. On our way up to this hill, we passed some locals who were sitting at a picnic table. They asked mom where we were from and so forth. The people in Nuuk seemed very friendly and glad to have us visiting. Later, when we were back on ship, I saw boats pulling up along side our ship yelling up to the people asking where the ship was from, where we'd been, and where we're going. Very curious people who I don't think see many international visitors.

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